Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sick Days...

Catching up on things at the office after missing yesterday... which was really weird...

I woke up early (before the alarm) with a weird quiver in my stomach, from an equally weird dream (the dream had something to do with the [platform] diving competition at the Olympics, and has now been lost to the ether of a whole lot of sleep). I recognized the quiver as the initial indicator of wanting to throw up, so I stayed in bed as long as I could stand it. I sat up slowly, trying to force things to settle. I stood up, walked to the bathroom, and dry heaved. Three times.

It's a wonderful image, I know. But that was it - the only time all day that it happened. I had a fever that ran for most of the day (which I spent in bed, waking maybe about 3-4 times), until after MC got home.

Last night did have a few rather cute/funny moments. I was lying on the couch watching Bourne Ultimatum, and my dog Piper nosed my arm (indicating she wanted me to pet her), and when I would finish, she would nose it again. We did this several times. Meanwhile, my cat Snoopy (yes, he's a cat) came and laid on my chest, much like when he was a kitten, and he stayed there for a good twenty to thirty minutes.

I still feel a little out of it (the tail end of the bug, I'm guessing, combined with lack of eating yesterday, dehydration), but I'm functional. I'm actually looking forward to trying to do some writing tonight (at some point)...

We have the photographer coming over tonight to talk about some of the wedding plans/shots, which will be later this evening, but I do want to get some more work done on the "Drive" script, and I need to work on a prompt piece for next week's Writer Group.

Then classes start up again...

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