Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Quick drive-by and update

No... not quite lost, although I have been a bit swamped on some other projects.  Here's a really quick recap of the recent past, and I promise to do some proper updating soon.  Oh, and about the videos... I've got those re-queued for several weeks to come.

In February, I submitted an abstract for WorldCon... in April I was notified it was accepted.  (In March, I presented a draft of the same paper for the Graduate Student Conference locally, to give myself a trial run in advance of the acceptance.)

At the end of May, I was part of the Graduate Student Reading experience for all of the graduating Creative Writing MA students.  Several of the audience members that were at the March conference were stoked about my WorldCon announcement.

I have applied for Viable Paradise for the fall.  Jury is still out on acceptance (they accept submissions until mid-June) so we shall see.

I will be going to see Uncle Orson in August, but only for the two day session.

I have been plotting my next stage of academic pursuits, pinning down which PhD programs I want to aim for... at the moment there's one in the US and three in the UK, but we will see how that might change between now and the end of the summer.  My goal is to have most of my applying done or "almost" done by the end of August for 2012 admittance... wherever it may be.

I've finally started climbing out of the "post-hyperproductive-crash" that hit me after my last semester (from December) - when my two classes and thesis brain-fried me.  I've been kicking ideas around, but I've not been in a state of mind to try working with them until recently.  (Last time I was in a similar slump was right before the thesis, but before THAT my last similar creative funk was from about 2000-2007: a few blips on the radar, but it wasn't as much of a priority for me then.)  I'm working on some plotting for 5-6 projects to see what strikes me as ready to run, including expanding three of the pieces I wrote for classes.

That's all for now... more soon... really... there will be.

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