Sunday, January 23, 2011

Love or Hate for Lance Armstrong

Did he or didn't he? That seems to be a question getting a lot of discussion now with former teammates throwing allegations. I, for one, am on the fence, leaning towards the "not" side of the discussion, at least during the Tour years. Some of the latest discussion comes from someone that rode with Lance in 1995 (before the cancer, etc.).

Do I think he may have done anything back then? Possible, but if so it didn't do much to improve his performance to any spectacular level.

What about the tour years? What about all of the random testing (in and out of season)? If he was using something illegal, it would have had to be something years ahead of its time or something that was not illegal at the time of use (and some genius has decided to apply today's standards to samples several years old).

And I don't think Lance would be crazy enough to use something, knowing he would be the first person in line to be tested as long as he was in yellow.

Until someone presents irrefutable proof of doping, I think there's a lot of straws being grasped at here.

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