Monday, November 01, 2010

Such a Novel Concept...

It's called a thesis... The pun, for the initiated, is only slightly relevant. Instead of a full novel/novel length work (which would be the case for a MFA or PhD), my collection hit just under 70 pages of actual work (a bit over 70, if you include the regular fluff and filler pages that a thesis requires). It contains three stories, and one pseudo story - written with the intention of being a "Chapter One," but I tried to make it something that can stand mostly, hopefully, on it's own.

My original goal was for it to be longer, easily at least one more story was almost included (but witheld for editing/revision reasons). Had I not decided to push to finish early, I had a few other stories in the plan to be included. The one (cut) story alone, if finished, would have easily kicked me well over the 100 page count. Adding the others would have likely gotten me closer to 175 or so. But plans change...

As it stands, it's been turned in, submitted to committee now, and my defense is scheduled for 17 November. Once that's done, I should be on the short side of the hurdle and in the home stretch to call it a degree.

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