Greeting, all... I have not fallen off of the edge of the planet, been abducted by space pirates, or discovered the "super sekrit" passage to the center of the earth... I've been, um, otherwise engaged...
There's this thing. It's called a thesis, and it's something that everyone, everywhere, has to go through on their way to finishing a Master's Degree... (and at the Doctoral level, it's called a Dissertation), and I've been trying to beat the rough edges from some of my projects (including finishing others) so I can fit them into some semblance of "working-ness" for the sake of the collection. Not an impossible task, but with work, two night classes, and other scheduled events, time is quickly needing to be focused on the deadlines at hand.
I still have plans for my "Summer Vacation" update.... lots of cool things/places/people... but I'm not quite as close to completing the thesis as I was originally hoping when I started down this path back in May. Until then, to borrow a line from Depeche Mode... "enjoy the silence" for just a little bit longer...
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