Thursday, October 09, 2008

I just posted this, but felt like I should explain a little more

The Quarterly Outlook: I am aiming for 3 short stories (5-10k words +) [flash fiction and short shorts can also be considered, but in a composite formula: multiple falsh/ss = 1 regular story... more for ego than anything else], and one novel length work (50k words +). I am also considering other mid-projects (currently, I want to write 1 shorter script - a 1-act play, or skit - this quarter).

A majority of it will be a numbers game. Do I anticipate making all of these goals, on a regular basis? Probably not. I may only get a few short stories done in a quarter, and no "bonus work." I may not make it through all of a novel. It may take a couple of years for me to get to that tipping point where I can meet all of the desired goals... then hopefully begin exceeding them!

But the important thing, is that by aiming for the the projected output (and I know it is an attainable mark) is that even if I do not make the numbers (yet), I will still be further along than when I started...

In the process of working towards an increased output, I have looked through the 2009 Writer's Market, and also plan on starting to submit some works over time, as well. I plan on starting to pull the Submission Guidelines for particular publications, as well as review the "prompt specific" entries (for themed issues, or even contest entries) as possible sources for ideas to work on (did you know there is a publication that focuses solely on tea? Tea! And if tea does not play a major role in the story, they don't want it. An interesting idea could be there... hmmm...)

So that's it... I'm writing, and I have a generally specific plan in place...

And I have a story to edit...

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