Monday, May 12, 2008

Comedy... with Puppets!

We ended up having a discussion at work the other day, and someone mentioned having a deep rooted fear of dolls. She doesn't mind scary movies, but give her any of the Child's Play series, or the Puppet Master series, and it's no good.

I mean, what is there to be scared of with this guy?

So, in all fairness, I sent this same person a couple of videos that I was exposed to over the weekend. Mary Catherine has been talking to me about this guy for a couple of weeks, a comedian ventriloquist. I thought some of them were hilarious, so I share them here.
His name if Jeff Dunham, and there are lots of videos out on YouTube. These are but two...

Peanut and Jose Jalepeno

And... Achmed the Dead Terrorist


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